Forum Dive Trek Group

Forum Ogólne - Salvo przestaje istnieć?

Michał Iwicki - 28-06-2009, 04:10
Temat postu: Salvo przestaje istnieć?
Z innego forum wrzucam informacje. Czy który¶ z dealerów Salvo na Polske może się wypowiedzieć. Czy jest to prawd± i czy jest to może jaki¶ żart?


Unfortunately, due to the never ending litigation with Halcyon we are closing the doors permanently on Tuesday, June 30th, 2009. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your support through our colorful history. If you have an order or a repair on the books with us it will be processed and completed, but we are no longer booking new orders.

Best regards,

The Staff
Salvo Manufacturing LLC

If you have any concerns regarding lights which are still under warranty feel free to contact me at

robhass - 28-06-2009, 10:23
Temat postu:
i jeszcze info dodatkowe o nowej firmie prowadzacej gwarancje dla poprzednich produktow by Salvo + sprzedaz produktow:

Hello Dive Shop Owner,

This message comes to you from the previous employees of Salvo. After a lot of discussion, we have decided that there will be a huge void after Salvo closes its doors. We feel that it would be unfortunate for you to be stuck with the mediocre quality of product and minimal customer service offered by other technical diving equipment manufacturers.

We are starting a new venture, and over the next couple of days you will receive emails with updates and attachments as we look forward to going on line. We appreciate your patience during the genesis of Leviathan Diving Equipment, LLC.

It is very important to us that you are aware we will honor the full Warranty on all Salvo products. Additionally, we will be performing repairs and upgrades on other manufacturers' lights in order to help reduce your diving down time.

Safe diving,
Corey Mearns and Joel Clark
Leviathan Diving Equipment, LLC

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